Why does learning need to be cordoned off into period-long segments given daily for years on end? We asked this question a year ago, and our answer was last year’s Spring
This year we asked ourselves the same question and we plan to answer with this years Spring Intensives. This year students will spend more time out in the field on learning experiences with teachers. Students can travel to further https://laparkan.com/buy-prednisone/ locations and participate in longer activities that will ask students to complete more academically rich tasks. The roster of Intensive Trips include:
- Visiting National Monuments in Washington D.C.
- Get Outside!!! – Camping, Climbing and Hiking in Upstate New York
- Building New Homes for Hurricane Affected Areas
- Dall’talia A Nuova York (From Italy to New York)- Connections That Endure
- City-As-Sandy – Occupy The Rockaways With Art!
- Making And Exhibiting Art In NYC: Meet the Artist and Explore Galleries
- And More…
This year’s Intensives are going above and beyond what we did last year, and it will require resources above and beyond what we are able to produce ourselves. If you would like to help our school out with any amount of support we would greatly appreciate it. Please use the following link: