Hands-On For 4 Decades: Celebrate City-As School's 40th Birthday Bash

May 01, 2013

Fred Koury
Founder of City As School

It was 40 years ago in a brownstone in Brooklyn where City-As-School began as the brain child of Fred Koury and Rick Safran.  A handful of staff and a small group of students pioneered our unique educational model of learning by doing.  Fred believed, as each subsequent leader of the school has, that learning takes place in many different forms and utilizing our city and the thousands of resources it has to offer is what will spark the interests of so many students who have had to endure the mediocrity of a traditional education.

We celebrate these last 40 years by coming together from our varied http://laparkan.com/buy-vardenafil/ lives over time that spans four decades but shares a common thread.  Empowerment, independence, mutual respect and acceptance are feelings expressed by students, alumni, teachers, parents and resource people. The opportunity City-As-School has given to so many to see the world outside of textbooks, neighborhoods and classrooms has allowed our CAS connections to run deep and remain strong.

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We celebrate the birth of this amazing institution in a glorious penthouse loft space in Westbeth (an artist residency) which also holds a special connection for us having housed many of our students past and present.

Please join us on Friday May 17th at 6pm in Ramscale at Westbeth 463 West St. (Bethune & Bank)

The 2nd Annual City-As-School’s Spring IntensivesPhoto Gallery: How City-As-School Changed My Life