Amelia Cleary

Amelia Cleary

Educational Philosophy

Amelia is a Fine Arts educator, who has been teaching in New York City public schools since 2004.  She has also taught English as a Second Language, and believes that advocacy is one of the primary responsibilities of an educator.  As a Resource Coordinator at City-As-School, she hopes to guide her students in developing the real-life values and skills necessary to navigate the post-secondary school world they will encounter after graduation.  She values dialogue, relationship, collaboration and choice in education, and strives to create learning environments that foster these values.


As a Resource Coordinator, Amelia facilitates students who have a strong interest in the arts with their internships at organizations focusing on arts and art making around the New York City.  She also teaches Fine Arts courses at City-As-School, including such courses as painting and mask making.   These courses culminate in group exhibits and performance pieces.


Born and raised in Delaware – with residences in other places along the way –

Amelia currently lives in Brooklyn, NY.  She studied Fine Arts during undergraduate at Bard College, and earned her MA in Education as a New York City Teaching Fellow from Long Island University.  She has also studied art at L’Accademia di Belle Arti in Urbino, Italy.  Amelia is a reflective and curious learner who continues to enjoy discovering new topics.  In her free time she enjoys painting, writing and reading.  Amelia has exhibited and published work in various venues in the US and abroad; from articles about obscure churches in Rome for the International Herald Tribune, neighborhood profiles for The Baltimore Sun, to articles on education for online education journals.  Her artwork has been shown in such small venues as cafes in Vermont to a much larger audience in a gallery scene in HBO’s The Wire.  She regularly practices yoga, enjoys long walks in nature, and time spent with family and friends.

Fun Facts!

Amelia has recently discovered an interest in photography.  She has been exploring this medium, taking digital photos during her travels and daily wanderings.